Reflections on the Sino-Russian Relationship
How has the relationship between China and Russia been developing and where might it be going?
Knocking on the Door of World War IV
A study of the main areas of conflict, how they may interact with one another to produce a new world war, the fourth if you give the Cold war a number, and the prospects of the the western powers and their partners prevailing in the face of this challenge. 25 August 2015, publisher pending
Knocking on the Door of World War IV
The Information Exchange on the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, a Key Tool for Implementation – an overview of reporting results for 2011–2013
In 20 Years of the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, a Commemorative Study on the History, Development, Achievements and Outreach of the OSCE’s Key Document for Politico-Military Norms and Principles on Armed and Security Forces, published by the Armed Forces Staff, Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, Swiss Armed Forces, June 2015, pp 53-62 (Chapter III)
Security Sector Reform in the Central African Republic
This is the inaugural brief of the Centre for Security Governance in its 2.0 series. Published on 23 October 2014 under the title of “Security Sector Reform in the Central African Republic: Chronicle of a Death Foretold,” it was written by Teodora Fuior and CSG Senior Fellow David Law.
This brief looks into the implementation of SSR in CAR, the deficiencies of its design, and the missteps made in its implementation. Its central finding is that the failure of the peacebuilding process in CAR was predestined, stemming from the earliest stages of SSR implementation in the country.
Security Sector Reform in the Central African Republic
Training Tools and Exercises for Building Mutual Awareness, Confidence and Cooperation in Troubled Regions
This is a toolkit of training tools for policy practitioners working in troubled regions. While the material was mostly developed for use in southeastern Europe, it can be readily adapted for other regions. 29 December 2012
The Co-Learning Approach to Capacity-Building and Training for Security Sector Reform Practitioners – Including a Toolkit of Ten Co-Learning Applications
in Journal of Security Sector Management, Cranfield University, Issue 3, Volume 8, October 2011.
“Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: the Canadian Approach”
In The Afghanistan Challenge; hard realities and strategic choices, Hans-Georg Ehrhart and Charles C.Pentland, editors, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-Kingston, 2009
Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: the Canadian Approach
“Canada in Afghanistan: concepts, policies, actors and prospects.”
In Connections: The Quarterly Journal 8(3) (2009): pp.25-52. Published in English, French, German and Russian by the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, in cooperation with the Moscow State University Press
Canada in Afghanistan: concepts, policies, actors and prospects
“The Evolution of the Concepts of Security Sector Reform and Security Governance: the EU perspective”
With Oksana Myshlovska, in The European Union and Security Sector Reform, David Spence and Philipp Fluri, (John Harper/ DCAF, London, 2008), pp.2-26
The Evolution of the Concepts of Security Sector Reform and Security Governance: the EU perspective
“On Development of the National Security Strategy.”
Institute for Democracy and Mediation. Toena House, Tirana, 2007. pp.11-25.
Instituti Për Demokraci Dhe Ndërmjetësim
“The Role of International Organizations in SSR: UN, OECD-DAC, OSCE and Others.”
Security Sector Reform in South East Europe – from a Necessary Remedy to a Global Concept: 13th Workshop of the Study Group “Regional Stability in South East Europe” Wien: Study Group Information, 2007. pp.21-26
The Role of International Organizations in SSR: UN, OECD-DAC, OSCE and Others
“Intergovernmental Organisations and their role in Security Sector Reform”
In Intergovernmental Organisations and Security Sector Reform, (DCAF Yearbook, 2007, Litverlag , Zurich/Berlin), pp.3-24
Intergovernmental Organisations and their role in Security Sector Reform
“Cooperation among SSR-relevant IGOs, ”
In Intergovernmental Organisations and Security Sector Reform, (DCAF Yearbook, 2007, Litverlag , Zurich/Berlin), pp.43-64
Cooperation among SSR-relevant IGOs
“Taking Stock, Moving Forward”
In Intergovernmental Organisations and Security Sector Reform, (DCAF Yearbook, 2007, Litverlag , Zurich/Berlin), pp.239-252
Taking Stock, Moving Forward
” Conclusion: Security (Re) Construction in Post-Conflict Settings”
in Security Sector Reconstruction and Reform in Peace Support Operations, Michael Brzoska and David Law,editors (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), pp.100-113
Conclusion: Security Sector Reconstruction in Post Conflict Settings
“Qeverisja e Sektorit të Sigurisë në Strategjinë e zgjerimit të Be-Së”
Çështje të sigurisë. Securirty Issues. Revistë e përtremuajshme mbi sigurinë. Instituti për Demokraci dhe Ndërmjetësim. Nr 2, dimmer 2006
“Security Sector Governance in EU Enlargement Strategy”
In Çështje të Sigurisë: Security Issues, number 2 (2006): pp.124-141. Published in Albanian
Qeverisja e Sektorit të Sigurisë në Strategjinë e zgjerimit të Be-Së
“Who’s Who Intergovernmentally in SSR?”
In Developing a Security Sector Reform Concept for the United Nations (proceedings of the Expert Workshop held in Bratislava, Slovakia, 7 July 2006, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and DCAF), pp.23-25
Who’s Who Intergovernmentally in SSR?
“Security Sector Reform and the Future of the Code of Conduct”
In Helsinki Monitor: Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe 17(2) (2006): pp.160-174
Security Sector Reform and the Future of the Code of Conduct
“Rethinking the Code of Conduct in the Light of Security Sector Reform”
In Consolidating the OSCE, ed. Daniel Warner, Program for the Study of International Organizations Occasional Paper 4/2006 (Geneva, 2006). pp. 83-105
Rethinking the Code of Conduct in the Light of Security Sector Reform
“The Post-Conflict Security Sector”
Policy Paper no. 14, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2006
The Post-Conflict Security Sector
“Transparency, Accountability and Security Sector Reform in South East Europe”
In Defence and Security Sector Reform in South East Europe, Eden Cole, Timothy Donais and Philipp Fluri, editors (Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2005), pp.169-180
Transparency, Accountability and security Sector Reform in South East Europe
“Human Security and Security Sector Reform: Contrasts and Commonalities”
In Sicherheit und Frieden [Security and Peace] no. 1 (2005): pp.14-20
Human Security and Security Sector Reform: Contrasts and Commonalities
“What is a Military Ombudsman?”
In Current Issues Related to the Reform of the Ukrainian Security and Defence Sector, eds. National Institute of International Security Problems of National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine and DCAF, pp.150-156. Based on a paper presented at an international conference held in Kiev in 2005. Volume published in Ukrainian and English
“The State of Security Sector Reform in the Euro-Atlantic Region”
In The Monitor 11(1) (2005): pp.29-32. Published by the University of Georgia Center for International Trade and Security
The State of Security Sector Reform in the Euro-Atlantic Region
“Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, On Martial Law; On the Necessity of State Protection of the livelihoods and health of those serving in the military, citizens, those called to participate in military action, as well as the members of internal security organs of the Russian Federation and staff in supporting organisations” In
Russian Federation Legal Acts on Civil Military Relations: Commentaries, DCAF, Geneva, and Center for Political Centrism, Moscow, 2004
Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation
“Ljudska Bezbednost I Reforma Sektora Bezbednosti, Deset Godina Posle”.
In: Ljudska Bezbednost (Human Security) 11/2, 2004. Faculty of Civil Defense (FCD University of Belgrade), Center for Human Security Studies
Ljudska Bezbednost I Reforma Sektora Bezbednosti, Deset Godina Posle
“Security Sector Reform Comes to Canada”
In On Track 8(3) (2003): 9-11, journal of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute in Ottawa, Canada)
Security Sector Reform Comes to Canada
“Security Sector Expert Formation – Achievements and Needs in South East Europe”
With Philipp Fluri, in Security Sector Expert Formation: The Challenges After 9/11 – Needs Assessment, Philipp Fluri and David Law, editors (Vienna: National Defence Academy in cooperation with the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the PfP-Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes, 2003)
Security Sector Expert Formation – Achievements and Needs in South East Europe
“11 Sentyabrya i Global’naya Demokraticheskya Revolyutsia”
Struktura i Soderzhaniye. Svazei s Obshchestvennostyu v Sovremennom Mirye, (Luganskiy Gosydarstvenniy Pedagogicheckiy Universitet imeni Tarasa Shevchenko (Lugansk, Ukraine), Scientific Institute for Direct Democracy (Zurich) and DCAF Center (Geneva), 2002)
“9/11 and the Global Democratic Revolution”
11 Sentyabrya i Global’naya Demokraticheskya Revolyutsia
“Democratic Deficits, North America and Security”
In Connections: The Quarterly Journal 1(1) (2001): pp.53-71. Published in English, French, German and Russian by the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, in cooperation with the Moscow State University Press
Democratic Deficits, North America and Security
“Democratic Deficits and North American Security”
In Over Here and Over There: Canada-US Defence Cooperation in an Era of Interoperability, ed. David G. Haglund, (Kingston, Ontario: Queen’s University Centre for International Relations, 2001). pp.209-229
Democratic Deficits and North American Security
“Avec l´ONU, à chaque fois que c´est possible – sans, quand il le faut?”
En: La Paix a-t-elle un Avenir? L´ONU, l´OTAN et la Sécurité Internationale. Collection Raoul-Dandurand. Université du Québec. Montréal. pp.125 – 137
Avec l´ONU, à chaque fois que c´est possible – sans, quand il le faut?
“With the UN Whenever Possible, Without when Necessary”
In New NATO, New Century: Canada, the United States, and the future of the Atlantic alliance, ed. David Haglund, (Kingston, Ontario: Queen’s University Centre for International Relations, 2000). pp.41-54
With the UN Whenever Possible, Without when Necessary
“S On Vseki Pet, Kogata je Bezmozhno, No bez Nepremeno da je Heobkhodimo”
Voenen Zhurnal (Sofia), no 5, 2001
“Why Spain should have been NATO’s Last Member”
In The Future of NATO: Enlargement, Russia and European Security, eds. Charles-Philippe David and Jacques Lévesque (Quebec City: McGill University Press, 1999). pp.35-50
Why Spain should have been NATO’s Last Member
“The OSCE & European Security Architecture”
In Balancing Hegemony: The OSCE in the CIS, eds. Neil S. MacFarlane and Oliver Thraenaert, (Kingston, Ontario: Queen’s Centre for International Relations, 1997)
The OSCE & European Security Architecture
32. “Principal Directions of Russian Policy in the CIS”
In Coming Together or Falling Apart?: Regionalism in the Former Soviet Union, ed. Neil S. MacFarlane, Based on a presentation at a conference on international relations of the former Soviet Union, Queen’s University Centre for International Relations, Kingston, Ontario, 1996. pp.41-54
Principal Directions of Russian Policy in the CIS
“NATO Expansion and European Regional Security”
With S. Neil MacFarlane, in Will NATO Go East? The Debate Over Enlarging the Atlantic Alliance, ed. David G. Haglund, (Kingston, Ontario: Queen’s University Centre for International Relations, 1996). pp.35-55
NATO Expansion and European Regional Security
“Crisis Management and Conflict Prevention in a Historic Transition Phase”
With Albrecht von Müller, in Sources and Areas of Future Possible Crises in Europe, ed. Armand Clesse and Adam Daniel Rotfeld, (Luxembourg: Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, 1995). pp.130-145
Crisis Management and Conflict Prevention in a Historic Transition Phase
“Widen or Wither?: the Challenges of NATO Enlargement”
Keynote address at inter-parliamentary conference organised by the Polish Sejm, Warsaw, 5-6 May 1995. Published in Competence and Responsibility of International Organisations for European Security; Role and Place of Central and Eastern Europe. Parliamentary Point of View, pp.24-39 and pp.89-90
Widen or Wither?: the Challenges of NATO Enlargement
“The Problems of Widening NATO”
Article in Brassey’s Defence Yearbook 1994, edited by the Centre for Defence Studies, King’s College, London. pp.135 -148
“Die Zukunft und die Neutralen”
Sicherheitspoltische Lagebeurteilung – innere und aeussere Sicherheit (Paper for Swiss Experts Brainstorming Workshop of Tagung der Sachgruppe Strategie), Eidgenoessische Hochschule Zürich, 7-8 July 1993, Brioni)
“Die NATO und das “Out-of-Area” Problem”
Von David Law and Michel Rühle. In Europa Archiv. 47 Jahr. 25 August 1992, Folge Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Auswartige Politik. Bonn, pp.15 -16
Die NATO und das “Out-of-Area” Problem
“La Alianza, la Seguridad en el Mediterraneo y la Crisis del Golfo”.
En: Seguridad en el Mediterraneo, Nuevos Planteamientos. Anales 7. Fundación Universitaria San Pablo – CEU. Madrid, 1992. pp.13-29
La Alianza, la Seguridad en el Mediterraneo y la Crisis del Golfo
“The Alliance and Security in the Mediterranean and the Gulf Crisis”
Article in Jane’s NATO Handbook, 1991-92 Edition. pp.196-201
The Alliance and Security in the Mediterranean and the Gulf Crisis
“Comments on “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Year 2000”
In Turkish Political Science Association, Ankara 1989, pp.119-124