Working with Intergovernmental Organisations
Assessed the optimal emplacement for the new SSR unit within the ECOWAS secretariat and advising the secretariat on building capacity for supporting security sector reform in West Africa (2009)
Advised members of the European Parliament Security and Defence Committee on the importance of future EU members having an accountable and effective security sector (2009)
Advised, as part of an OECD DAC programme of consultations on security sector reform, governmental and non-governmental actors EU institutions on how to use and implement the OECD Handbook on SSR
Advised, on behalf of the Austrian EU Presidency, an EU-whole-of-government symposium with representation from the Western Balkans on the role of IGOs in SSR and its importance for successful future EU enlargement (2005)
Advised the European Commission on the possible futures of the EU and the implications for the Commission’s role (1996)
Advised the European Commission on ways of establishing new networks of social scientists in post-Soviet space (1995)
Advised members of the European Commission and industry representatives on the changing nature of states and the implications for energy policy (1995)
Advised members of the European Commission on the EU’s role in the Yugoslav wars of succession and the implications for EU policy (1995)
NATO (1984-1994, 2004, 2011)
Advised participants at the NATO Defence Composium on ways of building coherence with other intergovernemental organisations working in the area of defence reform (2011)
Advised civil society representatives from across Euro-Atlantic space on the different ways the organisation’s security environment might evolve and the implications for policy (2004)
Advised the NATO Secretary General and his secretariat on how to address the growing pressures for the organisation’s enlargement (as of 1993)
Advised the NATO Secretary General and his secretariat on NATO’s engagement in the Yugoslav wars of succession (as of 1991)
Advised the NATO Secretary General and his secretariat on how to address the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and NATO’s subsequent role in the conflict (1990-91)
Advised the NATO Secretary General and his secretariat on optimising the effectiveness of the inter- relationships between the so-called interlocking institutions – NATO, the Council of Europe, the EU, the OSCE and the UN – after the end of the Cold War (as of 1990)
Advised the NATO Secretary General and his secretariat on how to address and steer to manage the emerging reform movement in Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (as of 1984)
Advised the NATO Secretary General and his secretariat on devising a global approach to the question of SS-20s deployment (as of 1984)
Advised the NATO Secretary General on his Watching Brief on Greek-Turkish Relations and the implications of these relations for overall NATO cohesion (as of 1984)
Advised, as part of an OECD DAC programme of consultations on security sector reform governmental and non-governmental actors in partner countries – Bolivia, Guinea Bissau and the Central African Republic – as well as in a number of donor countries and organisations – including Canada, Sweden and the EU – on how to use and implement the OECD Handbook on SSR
Advised, as part of a mission sponsored by the OECD Development Assistance Committee, representatives of the Bolivian government, the security forces and civil society on how to use a national development plan as a platform for devising a strategy for security sector transformation (2008)
Advised, as a part of a mission sponsored by the OECD-DAC, the Guinea Bissau government SSR Steering Committee, SSR Technical Committee and civil society representatives on designing an action plan for SSR (2008)
Advised, as part of a mission sponsored by the OECD-DAC, the Central African Republic government committee preparing the national conference on SSR on how to use the OECD Handbook on SSR in the design of the conference and follow-up activities aiming to build a national capacity for implementing a reform programme (2008)
Advised the Advising the OECD-DAC on the drafting of its Implementation Framework on SSR, and in particular the need to mainstream the idea that mature democracies also need to efficient and accountable security sectors (2005)
Advised whole-of-government civil society representatives on Belarus’s obligations as an OSCE member state under the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Relations, and the implications for SSG (2010)
Advised, on behalf of the OSCE, Montenegrin parliamentarians, on their country’s obligations as an OSCE member state under the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Relations, and the implications for SSG (2007)
Advised the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation on ways of updating the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Relations in the light of developments in the area of SSG (2004 and 2006)
Partnership for Peace Programme for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia (2008-2011)
Advised national security policy elites on how to ensure security providers in their post-conflict environments are democratically accountable and efficient
Advised national security policy elites on how a national security policy can help enhance cooperation among security sector actors
Advised members of the UNDPKO SSR Unit on developing a UN capacity for training local elites in post-conflict settings on how to draft a national security strategy (2009)
Advised members of UN agencies on how to forge a whole-of-system approach to SSR (2009)
Advised UNDP on how to support an SSR process in the Central African Republic (2008)
Advised, on behalf of the Slovak government and friends of the UN, on the development of a security sector reform concept for the UN (2007)