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Jun 19, 2019
Eine Frage der Leadership
Foto mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Allison Dinner, Getty Images Merkel in Harvard Ich bin schon lange ein Fan von Angela Merkel. Umso...

Jun 19, 2019
A Question of Leadership
Photo courtesy of Allison Dinner/ Getty Images Merkel at Harvard I have long been a fan of Angela Merkel. I am even more so after the...

Aug 1, 2018
Towards Yalta Two
1024px-Yalta_Conference_(Churchill,_Roosevelt,_Stalin)_(B&W) This blog was posted on the CDA-Institute at

Oct 21, 2017
Breaking Up is Hard to do
The photo shows Rajoy and Puidgemont shaking hands in easier times. This article was originally posted on the website of the Canadian...

Apr 16, 2017
Defence Spending Challenges
The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States has elevated the issue of defence spending performance to a...

Sep 29, 2016
Brexit or Bremain: a long and winding road ahead?
The partisans in favour of the UK leaving the European Union (EU) prevailed with almost 52 percent of the votes cast in the referendum on...

Aug 3, 2016
Coup, Counter-​coup, Consequences – Part 4: Where do Turkey’s relations with the West go from here?
In the wake of the coup, Erdogan has thrown down gauntlets to the US and the EU that they will have difficulty picking up. First, Erdogan...

Aug 2, 2016
Coup, Counter-​coup, Consequences – Part 3: The turn towards authoritarianism
The third blog in this series looks at the transition of Erdogan and his AKP party to an overtly Islamist stance It is hard to pinpoint...

Jul 29, 2016
Coup, Counter-​coup, Consequences – Part 2: The Erdogan-​Gulen Connection
This, the second in a four-part series on the coup in Turkey, looks at the relationship between the erstwhile allies, President Erdogan...

Jul 19, 2016
Brexit and the NATO Summit in Warsaw
Coming shortly after the successful referendum on taking the UK out of the EU, the NATO summit on 8-9 July in Warsaw promises to be one...

Jun 14, 2016
The Future of the European Union: A Brexit wrecks it?
Some thoughts on the impact of a Brexit victory for the future of the European Union. The UK referendum on whether Great Britain stays...

Jun 13, 2016
Ukraine and the Sino-Russian Relationship
How will the relationship between Russia and China affect the future trajectory of Ukraine? This article will appear in a book on the...

Feb 20, 2016
Reflections on the Sino-Russian Relationship
This article originally appeared at Whither the...

Jan 12, 2016
In Defence of Sunnistan: Part 3
This third blog on the situation in the Middle East discusses the proposition to create a Sunni state in parts of Syria and Iraq. On 25...

Jan 7, 2016
Towards a Grand Anti-terrorist Coalition: Part 2
This second blog in a series of three looks at the ongoing efforts to put together a grand anti-terrorist coalition. January 2016 will...

Nov 13, 2015
An Attack on France, an Attack on Europe, an Attack on the West
To say it is too soon to attempt to understand what has happened in Paris – and what may still be happening as I write these lines from...

Sep 30, 2015
R2P and the Responsibility to Receive
In 2005, a UN World Summit that brought together governmental leaders from around the world agreed on a statement that broke new ground...

Aug 25, 2015
Knocking on the Door of World War IV
Introduction[1] The world is on a precipice. The international community faces a growing array of situations that could precipitate major...

Jul 21, 2015
Challenges facing the West – Part 5 of the World War IV Series
In this five-part series, I explore the development and scope of what I have termed World War IV. This series is based on my presentation...

Jul 20, 2015
Strong Points of the West – Part 4 of the World War IV Series
In this five-​part series, I explore the development and scope of what I term World War IV. This series is based on my presentation at...
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