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Jan 29, 2020
The Three Dictateers I do not easily subscribe to the idea that men/women make history. I am much more at home...

Feb 1, 2019
Why Russia and China may Make Serious Moves in their Near Abroads in 2019-2020 – and why they may no
Courtesy of Bing Russia and/or China Make a Move – or Don’t In the first part of this piece, I argued that there was a better than even...

Feb 1, 2019
Why Russia and China may Make Serious Moves in their Near Abroads in 2019-2020 – and why they may no
Courtesy of Bing #Russia-China Entente, #near abroad, #regional conflict, #Belarus, #Ukraine, #Taiwan, #North Korea, #Venezuela, #East...

Jul 22, 2018
I am the centre of the universe I command respect in Russia’s smallest spaces I control the parliament I manipulate the media The...
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