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Scenario-Planning for Anticipating Shifting Paradigms




Advised members of the Canadian military on possible future roles of the Canadian Armed Forces (1998) 

Advised the Canadian Department of Defence on possible futures of the Russian Federation (1998)




Advised the European Commission on the possible futures of the EU and the implications for the Commission’s role ((1996)

Advised the European Commission and industry representatives on the changing nature of states and the implications for energy policy (1995)




Advised civil society representatives from across Euro-Atlantic space  on the different ways the organisation’s security environment might evolve and the implications for policy (2005)


Northern Europe


Advised government, business, civil society representatives and parliamentarians on the possible evolution of their region and the implications for cross-border cooperation (1995)




Advised civil society representatives on how the environment of the Palestinian Authority may evolve and the implications for security policy (2006)




Advised staff of the Serb Ministry of Defence on techniques for understanding how Serbia’s strategic environment might develop and the resulting implications for national defence policy (2005)


Southeastern Europe


Advised civil society organisations from across the region on how to prepare for the region’s possible futures (2008-2011)

Advised civil society organisations from across the region on how to anticipate and prepare for a pandemic (2005)




Advised future members of the Swiss diplomatic service on how to understanf the possible future evolution of Geneva as a centre for international cooperation (2003)

Advised future members of the Swiss diplomatic service on the changing security environment and the resulting implications for Switzerland’s role (1996-2003)

The Way I See it
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